UML2 Modeling with Eclipse

Needing to prepare a process meta-level model I had a look at what others were doing and decided a UML class diagram was best suited to my needs.

As I use Eclipse Europa I initially extracted the Omondo plug-in.  This worked perfectly but I found the tool too oriented to Java programming.

Through a few iterations I realised that I needed to upgrade to Eclipse Ganymede in order to use Eclipse’s native UML2 modeling tool-set which isn’t bound so tightly to Java development.  A monumental download later and I was happily creating the first outline of my process model.

Then I caught a snag.  I wished to organise my classes into packages.  Either embedded or linked, I wasn’t troubled how, but I couldn’t understand how to do this.  No end of searching through help, tutorials and other web resources could unearth an answer.

So I began to think about using a tool built on top of the core Eclipse UML modeling capability.  I was again concerned that I would install a tool created for Java coding and so ruled out Soyatec (perhaps unfairly).  In the end I plumped for Papyrus.

The install was from the update site (certainly much more convenient than unzipping downloads):

I installed the Papyrus UML Modeler 1.10.1 from the options the Eclipse Update interface gave me.  The install went without a hitch.

Papyrus provides the smoother UML class diagram design experience I was looking for and allows for vanilla looking models to be created.


A day of working with Papyrus and I concluded that it wasn’t the tool I was looking for.  Associations are all uni-directional, Association Class is not supported, the pop-up menus get in the way, but most important of all the diagram cannot be exported as a .bmp or similar.

So, I downloaded the Umlet plugin, but this was rather clunky although the model could both be copied or exported.  I finally installed Topcased using the Update site:

I was able to copy my existing .uml file from Papyrus and recreate the diagram within Topcased.  Nested Packages did not appear in the diagram so a little bit of manual rejig was needed.  Topcased is a cleaner and more friendly implementation than Papyrus.  I’ve exported the model as a .bmp that I can open in Opera to view.

Anyone with other ideas for process meta-modeling then please leave a comment.

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